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The Tree with Books 2018

THE Tree with BOOKS reopens the free reading area in Izvor Park!

The Capital City Hall, through the Creart – the Center for Creation, Art and Tradition of the Municipality of Bucharest, reopens in the Izvor Park between August 3 and September 2, COPACUL CU CĂRŢI, the event that helps the Bucharest to rediscover the pleasure of reading in the middle of nature. Access to the event is free.

COPACUL CU CĂRŢI is an event organized by the City Hall of Bucharest through Creart – the Center for Creation, Art and Tradition, which aims to encourage people to rediscover the pleasure of quality reading in a natural environment, in agreement and with respect of nature and of others. Media partners: Digi 24, Digi FM, Digi World, Digi Life and Digi Animal World





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