Acasă » News » National Day of Culture – debate at Teatrelli Hall

National Day of Culture – debate at Teatrelli Hall

On the National Day of Culture, January 15, 2018, from 18:00, at the Teatrelli Hall in Lahovari Square no. 7, the City Hall of Bucharest, through the Creart – The Center for Creativity, Art and Tradition of Bucharest, invites you to a cultural debate, having as its starting point the influence that Romanian culture representatives have had on cultural trends that have marked Europe over time.

Furthermore, the discussions will also focus on the way in which the Romanian cultural scene is at this moment, compared to the international cultural scene.

Acad. Prof. Dr. Constantin Bălăceanu Stolnici, Professor Ion Bogdan Letfer, and moderator will be Dan Pleşa.

The evening will end with a jazz recital by Irina Sârbu Band, in an original interpretation.

Entrance is free and reservations are made at 0735.560.69



Parteneri media: Bucharest City App, Blitz TV, Best-Events, România Pozitivă, Orașul Meu, Art7, Calendar Evenimente,, Gratuitor, IQool

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Total time: 1742138462.8038 s