26 years after the Revolution, creart – Centre for Creation, Art and Tradition, Municipality of Bucharest, in partnership with Folk Academy, “The Catavencu Academy” and ROCK FM organize the first folk concert held at Bucharest Christmas Market, in memory of the Revolution heroes who died on 21st of December 1989, in Bucharest’s University Square. As folk music was launched as a form of protest against any kind of totalitarianism in December 89 and in April-June 1990, this year event will come – symbolically – to the University Square, at 5.30 p.m., statues esplanade, on the stage of the Official Christmas Fair in Bucharest – Bucharest Christmas Market, on 21st of December, where the first young Romanian victims died at “The Inter Barricade” , Dalles Hall and all over the Square.
A tribute event entitled “At the Anniversary”, including a marathon concert of almost 4 hours, a show performed by 19 folk and rock artists: Mircea Vintilă, Emeric Imre, Dinu Olărașu, Daniel Iancu, Cristian Hrubaru, Alin Dincă (Trooper), Vali Șerban, Țapinarii, Cristi Dumitrașcu & Academic Live Crew, Ovidiu Mihăilescu, Daniel Făt, Dan Manciulea, Nicu Zotta, Vali Petcu, Dan Teodorescu (Taxi), Dan Iliescu (Timpuri Noi), Eugen Avram, Cristi Luca and Adrian Bezna.
This is also a themed-show where Cristi Dumitrașcu and Academic Live Crew Band will perform songs from the repertoire of two symbols of protest, Cristi Pațurcă and Valeriu Sterian,while the other artists will present us original compositions because life and music go further – as it should be – and all these 26 years have brought us new attitudes and ideas which deserve to be promoted and supported.
Media partners: „România Liberă”, „Ziua News”, „Bună ziua, Cluj”, „Ziar de Cluj”, portal: www.andreipartos.ro and Getica Association