Acasă » Press » The National Book Center During 16th and 19th of March 2012, the 32nd edition of Salon du Livre – The International Book Fair will take place, the most important event of the editorial market in France which joins over one thousand exhibitors each year.

The National Book Center During 16th and 19th of March 2012, the 32nd edition of Salon du Livre – The International Book Fair will take place, the most important event of the editorial market in France which joins over one thousand exhibitors each year.


În perioada 16-19 martie 2012 se desfășoară la Paris cea de a XXXII-a ediție a Salonului Internațional de Carte – Salon du Livre, cel mai amplu eveniment al pieţei editoriale din Franţa, care reunește anual peste o mie de expozanți.


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