Acasă » News » Hora Unirii in Bucharest 2018

Hora Unirii in Bucharest 2018

The City Hall of Bucharest, through the Creator – The Center for Creation, Art and Tradition of Bucharest organizes the “Hora Unirii in Bucharest” event, dedicated to the Union of Romanian Principalities Day, on Wednesday 24 January in the University Square in Bucharest.

The show will take place between 10:00 and 13:00 and will bring together artists who will mark the event that laid the foundations of the modern Romanian state through the presented folkloric programs, characteristic of the two historical regions of Moldova and Wallachia – the protagonists of the Little Union.

They will climb on the esplanade with statues in the University Square, famous for the Romanian folk music: Gheorghe Turda, Ştefania Rareş, Petrică Mâţu Stoian and Andra Matei, accompanied by the Valahia National Orchestra of the Capital City Hall supported by the creator. They will join the dancers of the “Calabreaza” ensemble of the “Ion Manolescu” Cultural Center in Breaza (Prahova County), as well as the children group “Contrapunct”.

Both Bucharest and the visitors of Bucharest are waiting for the “Hora Unirii in Bucharest” event, to give “hand in hand” and to celebrate together the Union of the Principalities. Participants will be able to dance alongside artists on this great day for all Romanians. As is the custom, the show will end with a huge Hora of the Union, where all those who feel Romanian and love traditions can catch themselves.

Time schedule

10:00 – The Walachia National Orchestra of the City Hall, supported by the creator

10:10 – Gheorghe Turda accompanied by the Walachia National Orchestra of the City Hall, supported by the creart

10:30 – Child Group “Contrapunct”

10:40 – “Calabreaza” Ensemble of the “Ion Manolescu” Cultural Center in Breaza, Prahova County

11:00 – Andra Matei accompanied by the Valahia National Orchestra of the City Hall, supported by the creart

11:15 – “Calabreaza” Ensemble of the “Ion Manolescu” Cultural Center in Breaza, Prahova County

11:30 – Child Group “Contrapunct”

11:40 – Petrică Măţu Stoian accompanied by “Valahia” National Orchestra of the City Hall, supported by creart

12:00 – “Calabreaza” Ensemble of the “Ion Manolescu” Cultural Center in Breaza, Prahova County

12:20 – Ştefania Rareş accompanied by Walachia National Orchestra of Bucharest City Hall

“Calabreaza” Ensemble of the “Ion Manolescu” Cultural Center in Breaza, Prahova County

12:40 – The Walachia National Orchestra of the Capital City Hall, supported by the Creator

12:50 – Mount Unirii

*Entrance to the event is free.






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Total time: 1742111856.8771 s