An almost authentic breeze coming from Brasil, put on stage by 5 passionate instrumentalists and a sensual voice will project their audience into a somewhat dreamy athmosphere, in such a desirable relaxing mood that is so less found nowadays, where everyone of us is running after their own illusions. BREEZE advices us to stop for a moment to listen and live the joy of the moment, at Movies in the Garden!
Prepare yourselves for an energetic show, full of elements of surprise, next to BREEZE, Antonio and Alemar Capoeira Group from Bucharest.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/522475701274469/
Romanian Film Evening – July, 13th 2016
Dell’Arte Theatre Festival – White Nights – July, 17th 2016
Dell’ Arte – Love and Strawberry – July, 9th, 2016