Acasă » News » Expoziția ”Postponed Tomorrow” – Cătălin Burcea @Galeriacreart

Expoziția ”Postponed Tomorrow” – Cătălin Burcea @Galeriacreart


Cătălin Burcea
Postponed Tomorrow

creart Gallery
Alexandru Lahovari Square no. 7, Bucharest

May 10 – June 8, 2018
Opening: May 10, 2018, 19:00

Curator: Răzvan Ion

“Postponed Tomorrow speaks first of all about Impasse. About the incapability to make the right decision in a critical moment.
I refer to the occurrence of a standstill, that results, paradoxically, not due to a certain physical or intellectual handicap, but out of a “overfull” of possibles. To comunicate is vital, but within a social context “full of communication” the noise generated by it cancels any effect of the communication. Therefore, to choose a simple message, clear, strong and efficient, becomes a more and more complicated task. To not know what to chose to say, first and fastest, because all “important” things are equally important, to be obliged to choose one single thing to say just so the message can produce effects, creates a sort of “paralysis” equal to non-action. This incapacity of correctly deciding in a matter of emergency is the resulting sum of typical human factors: postponements, doubts, vulnerabilities, various fears, but especially the fear of not being wrong…” (Cătălin Burcea)

“Catalin Burcea is conceptually analyzing the non-action caused by the impossibility of certainty. The impossibility of prediction implies the principle impossibility to distinguish. On the other hand, safety creates its own problems. Burcea raises questions and even debates the accepted societal mechanisms that often make mistakes. Cătălin Burcea’s conceptual approach is permanently “time-specific”. Always connected socio-politically, always attentive to the social reactivity.” (Răzvan Ion)
Cătălin Burcea is an artist. He has exhibited among others at JCE Biennale (6), Beffroi de Montrouge, Paris; AltroQuale, Jesi, Ancona; National Contemporary Art Museum, Bucharest; Victoria Art Center, Bucharest; Calina Gallery, Timisoara; ARCUB Gabroveni, Bucharest; ALERT Studio, Bucharest; VIENNAFAIR, Vienna; Contemporary Art Ruhr, Essen; Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw; Spatiu Intact Gallery; Cluj-Napoca; Knoll Gallery Vienna. He is Co-founder and Project Coordinator at ALERT studio (White Code), Bucharest. Recently he was selected to represent Romania in the exhibition “How We See Things” organized by the Presidency of Austria to the European Union. He lives and works in Bucharest.

Răzvan Ion is an artist, curator, and theoretician. He exhibited at Bucharest Biennale, Poznan Biennial, SKC Gallery- Belgrade, National Museum of Art – Cluj, ICA – Bucharest, NY Experimental Festival, InterFACES – Bangkok, Centro Cultural del Matadero – Huesca, International Photo Ljubljana, CCA Ekaterinburg, National Museum of Art – Timișoara, ICA Budapest, New Langton – San Francisco, Constanța Art Museum etc. He was an associate professor at University of California, Berkeley; Lisbon University; Central University of New York; University of London; Sofia University; University of Kiev; etc. He has held conferences and lectures at different art institutions like Witte de With, Rotterdam; Kunsthalle Vienna; Art in General, New York; Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon; Casa Encedida, Madrid etc. He published in different books, published an artist book and worked as editor of several other books, including the most recent “Architectural Economy of a Biennial”. He was a professor at the University of Bucharest where he teached Curatorial Studies and Critical Thinking. Recently he was appointed the curator of Bucharest Biennale 8, together with Beral Madra.

A parallel event of Bucharest Biennale 8.

Organized by Bucharest City Hall, through creart

Graphic design: Theodor Moise

Expoziția ”Postponed Tomorrow” – Cătălin Burcea @Galeriacreart

/for English please scroll down

Cătălin Burcea
Postponed Tomorrow

Galeria creart
Piața Alexandru Lahovari nr. 7, București

10 mai – 8 iunie 2018
Vernisaj: 10 mai 2018, ora19:00

Curator: Răzvan Ion

Facebook event:

”Postponed Tomorrow” vorbește în primul rând despre Impas. Despre incapacitatea de a lua cea mai potrivită decizie într-un moment critic. Mă refer la apariția unui blocaj care rezultă, în mod paradoxal, nu din cauza vreunui handicap de ordin fizic sau intelectual ci dintr-un „prea plin” de posibile. A comunica este vital, însă într-un context social „plin de comunicare” zgomotul generat de acesta anulează orice efect al comunicării. Prin urmare, a alege un mesaj simplu, clar, puternic și eficient devine o treabă din ce în ce mai complicată. A nu ști ce să alegi mai întâi și mai repede, să spui pentru că toate lucrurile „importante” sunt la fel de importante, a fi obligat să alegi un singur lucru de zis tocmai ca mesajul să poată produce efecte, creează un fel de „paralizie” egală cu nonacțiunea. Această incapacitate de a decide corect în regim de urgență este rezultatul unui cumul de factori tipic umani: amânări, îndoieli, vulnerabilități, temeri diverse, dar, mai ales, teama de a nu greși…” (Cătălin Burcea)

„Cătălin Burcea analizează conceptual nonacțiunea produsă de imposibilitatea certitudinii. Imposibilitatea predicţiei implică imposibilitatea principială de a distinge.Pe de altă parte, siguranța creează propriile probleme. Burcea ridică semne de întrebare și pune în dezbatere chiar mecanismele societale acceptate care produc adesea erori. Abordarea conceptuală a lui Cătălin Burcea este permanent ”time-specific“. Mereu conectat socio-politic, întotdeauna atent la reactivitatea societală.” (Răzvan Ion)
Cătălin Burcea este artist. A expus printre altele la Bienala JCE (6), Beffroi de Montrouge, Paris; AltroQuale, Jesi, Ancona; National Contemporary Art Museum, Bucharest; Victoria Art Center, Bucharest; Galeria Calina, Timișoara; ARCUB Gabroveni, București; Alert Studio, București; VIENNAFAIR, Viena; Contemporary Art Ruhr, Centrul de Artă Contemporană Castel Ujazdowski, Varșovia; Galeria Spațiu Intact, Cluj-Napoca; Knoll Gallery, Viena. Este co-fondator și Coordonator de Proiect la ALERT Studio (White Code), București. Recent a fost selectat să reprezinte România în expoziția “How We See Things”, organizată cu prilejul Președinției Austriei la Uniunea Europeană. Trăiește și lucrează la București.

Răzvan Ion este artist, curator și teoretician. A expus în cadrul Bucharest Biennale, Poznan Biennial, SKC Gallery – Belgrade, National Museum of Art – Cluj, ICA – Bucharest, NY Experimental Festival, InterFACES – Bangkok, Centro Cultural del Matadero – Huesca, International Photo Ljubljana, CCA Ekaterinburg, National Museum of Art – Timișoara, ICA Budapest, New Langton – San Francisco, Constanța Art Museum etc. A fost profesor asociat la University of California, Berkeley; Lisbon University; Central University of New York; University of London; Sofia University; University of Kiev; etc. A ținut conferințe și prelegeri în cadrul a diferite instituții de artă precum Witte de With, Rotterdam; Kunsthalle Vienna; Art in General, New York; Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon; Casa Encedida, Madrid etc. A publicat în diverse cărți și reviste. Prima carte de artist i-a fost publicată în anul 2004. A editat mai multe reviste și cărți cea mai recentă fiind “Architectural Economy of a Biennial”. Este profesor la Universitatea din București unde predă studii curatoriale și gândire critică. Recent a fost numit curator al Bucharest Biennale 8, alături de Beral Madra.

Un eveniment paralel Bucharest Biennale 8.

Organizat de Primăria Capitalei, prin creart – Centrul de Creație, Artă și Tradiție al Municipiului București

Graphic design: Theodor Moise

Cătălin Burcea
Postponed Tomorrow

creart Gallery
Alexandru Lahovari Square no. 7, Bucharest

May 10 – June 8, 2018
Opening: May 10, 2018, 19:00

Curator: Răzvan Ion

“Postponed Tomorrow speaks first of all about Impasse. About the incapability to make the right decision in a critical moment.
I refer to the occurrence of a standstill, that results, paradoxically, not due to a certain physical or intellectual handicap, but out of a “overfull” of possibles. To comunicate is vital, but within a social context “full of communication” the noise generated by it cancels any effect of the communication. Therefore, to choose a simple message, clear, strong and efficient, becomes a more and more complicated task. To not know what to chose to say, first and fastest, because all “important” things are equally important, to be obliged to choose one single thing to say just so the message can produce effects, creates a sort of “paralysis” equal to non-action. This incapacity of correctly deciding in a matter of emergency is the resulting sum of typical human factors: postponements, doubts, vulnerabilities, various fears, but especially the fear of not being wrong…” (Cătălin Burcea)

“Catalin Burcea is conceptually analyzing the non-action caused by the impossibility of certainty. The impossibility of prediction implies the principle impossibility to distinguish. On the other hand, safety creates its own problems. Burcea raises questions and even debates the accepted societal mechanisms that often make mistakes. Cătălin Burcea’s conceptual approach is permanently “time-specific”. Always connected socio-politically, always attentive to the social reactivity.” (Răzvan Ion)
Cătălin Burcea is an artist. He has exhibited among others at JCE Biennale (6), Beffroi de Montrouge, Paris; AltroQuale, Jesi, Ancona; National Contemporary Art Museum, Bucharest; Victoria Art Center, Bucharest; Calina Gallery, Timisoara; ARCUB Gabroveni, Bucharest; ALERT Studio, Bucharest; VIENNAFAIR, Vienna; Contemporary Art Ruhr, Essen; Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw; Spatiu Intact Gallery; Cluj-Napoca; Knoll Gallery Vienna. He is Co-founder and Project Coordinator at ALERT studio (White Code), Bucharest. Recently he was selected to represent Romania in the exhibition “How We See Things” organized by the Presidency of Austria to the European Union. He lives and works in Bucharest.

Răzvan Ion is an artist, curator, and theoretician. He exhibited at Bucharest Biennale, Poznan Biennial, SKC Gallery- Belgrade, National Museum of Art – Cluj, ICA – Bucharest, NY Experimental Festival, InterFACES – Bangkok, Centro Cultural del Matadero – Huesca, International Photo Ljubljana, CCA Ekaterinburg, National Museum of Art – Timișoara, ICA Budapest, New Langton – San Francisco, Constanța Art Museum etc. He was an associate professor at University of California, Berkeley; Lisbon University; Central University of New York; University of London; Sofia University; University of Kiev; etc. He has held conferences and lectures at different art institutions like Witte de With, Rotterdam; Kunsthalle Vienna; Art in General, New York; Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon; Casa Encedida, Madrid etc. He published in different books, published an artist book and worked as editor of several other books, including the most recent “Architectural Economy of a Biennial”. He was a professor at the University of Bucharest where he teached Curatorial Studies and Critical Thinking. Recently he was appointed the curator of Bucharest Biennale 8, together with Beral Madra.

A parallel event of Bucharest Biennale 8.

Organized by Bucharest City Hall, through creart

Graphic design: Theodor Moise

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Total time: 1742078842.2988 s