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B Cause exhibition

B Cause, an exhibition about the causes and ideals we identify ourselves with, manifests itself through the power of conviction of the collage art. The opening day will take place in the Simbio attic, on Wednesday, 17th of February, starting with 6.30 pm. The exhibition is organised by Creionetica Agency and it will be opened to the public for two weeks, until 2nd of March.

B Cause. Be a cause. Because.

ExhibitionB Cause initiates a visual dialogue between the passion for a cause and the mere pleasure to decipher the art of collages.

The 20 B Cause works create a surrealist universe bringing life and colour to subjects we owe and claim our identity to and to the society we live in. They shape our system of values and our collective ideal. Nowadays, we keep participating in a continuous struggle for transformation: social justice, human rights, protection of environment, press freedom, global peace and so on.

The leitmotif of this exhibition is represented by legumes, while the inspiration comes from a UN theme for 2016: “The international year of pulses and legumes”, which invites us to live a healthy life style.

B Cause is a concept developed by Creionetica Agency and its collaborators, the Media Creation and Production Agency, acting as a bridge between the art dedicated to a cause and its social implication with the environment, cultural, educational causes, as well as any type of undertaking leading to a sustainable development.


B Cause Team is formed by:  Andrei Bucureci – art director, Cristiana Bucureci – collage artist, Ioana Călimanescu – PR & Event assistant, Liviu Runcan – audio-video producer and Ileana Szasz – photo-video production.­

A campaign supported by de creart – the Center for creation, Art and Tradition, Bucharest, Delta Dunării Pension and our media partners: Radio România București FMZile și NopțiArt OutUrban.roPR WaveGratuitorIQoolRomânia PozitivăCalendar EvenimenteOrașul Meu and SNSPA.


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