FRAGILE a fost gândit ca un spectacol plăpând, gingaș, firav, delicat în care am pus laolaltă instrumentele vii, acustice, vibrând cu emoție, aidoma fibrelor pline de viață din care au fost zămislite, cu poezia ce erupe delicat sau cu vigoare sentimente, iubiri, trăiri, patimi, întâlniri, despărțiri, aidoma existenței noastre.
Ce-a ieșit din această alchimie? O muzică, un elixir al vieții, care, sper din tot sufletul, să vă umple de bucurie!
Nicu Alifantis
Biletele pot fi achizitionate de aici:

ZAN, a story for over two decades, a perpetual travel with people among people for people. It has not occurred to me for a moment that alongside these zans I would have spent years playing together in country and abroad, recording albums, linking friends, seeing how our children are born or how our grandchildren grow up …
Like any beautiful story, this is said in the evening, whispered in the light of the soul and looks hard …
Nicu Alifantis
FRAGILE was thought of as a faint, tender, gentle, delicate performance in which we put together the live, acoustic instruments vibrating with emotion, like the lively fibers from which they were conceived, with poetry that erupts gently or with force, feelings, , experiences, passions, encounters, divisions, as our existence.
What has come out of this alchemy? A music, an elixir of life, which, I hope from all my soul, will fill you with joy!
Nicu Alifantis
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