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Creart creation workshops for kids

creart –  The Center for Creation, Art and Tradition, Bucharest, announces the February-June session of the creation workshops for kids which will be organized on Saturdays and Sundays in the French Village and in Alexandru Lahovari Square, Bucharest. The creation workshops, initiated by creart, represent a platform of various themed-workshops and different techniques. Children can explore the huge domain of art and creativity.

The purpose of this project is education by means of creation, helping kids to develop their attention, practical abilities and imagination, yet offering an artistic alternative for spending their free time.

In French Village (no. 114-140, Nordului Street), creart will organize the following workshops, each Saturday, between 20th of February and 18th of June or 17th or September – 17th of December 2016:

  1. Weekend Eco – creativity (6 to 12 years) – 11:00 – 12:30

By means of our creative recycling workshop, each kid will create a useful or artistic object out of recyclable materials for their own use or keeping. Teachers will present techniques of material development, drawing people’s attention to environment problems, in a relaxed and creative context. Children will make toys and accessories made from common recycled materials, alongside their teachers: they will learn how to carve candles, glass or ceramics, wood pyrography and clippings on glass, metal or wood.

  1. The Aromatic mini-garden (6 to 12 years) – 13:00 – 14:30

“The Aromatic mini-garden” will inspire children to produce objects they will enjoy using at home, after classes (jewels, accessories, decorative objects, instruments). The little ones can make miniature gardens from recyclable bottles, miniature plants and decorative pebbles.

  1. The Universe of Painting (4 to 12 years) – 15:00 – 16:30

Children will learn here how to paint traditional motifs and landscapes on glass panels, wood, paper and fabric, as well as on ceramics.

Creart will organize the following workshops on our headquarters (No.7, Alexandru Lahovari Square), each Saturday and Sunday, between 21st of February and 19th of June or 18th of September-18th of December 2016:



On Saturday

  1. Creativity and sensory play (2 to 3 years) – 10:30 – 12:00

This workshop will be a weekly reunion between children and their parents where the world becomes colour, shape comes to life, materials start to speak and move by themselves in their little hands. Kids will bring back imagination and the joy to play, while parents will take part in this workshop for a better physical and emotional interaction, thus rediscovering the child within.

  1. Toys and heroes from stories (6 to 10 years) – 12:30 – 14:00

Children enjoy hearing stories the most, hence they learn better through game, play and imagination. Our workshop will give kids the opportunity to conceive their own toy by means of a piece of felt or coloured fabric, a handful of beads and mixed-coloured buttons.

On Sundays

  1. Little Chefs (6 to 10 years) – 10:30 – 12:00

Children love to explore our kitchen world. They are attracted by colours, flavors and shapes, willing to cut, mix up and taste. Kids can be glad and enthusiastic about sharing what they cooked with their loved ones. Furthermore, they learn more easily about healthy alimentation and the importance of an apple, cucumber or a nut-shell.

  1. Journey around the globe (5 to 10 years) – 12:30 – 14:00

We learn about our world through games and play. We spin the globe, set the point where we want to go, choose the most adequate means of transportation and we hit the road. Reaching our destination, we find out the local customs, their language, what type of climate is there during the whole year, people’s origin, how they live and their interests, how they dance, what kind of music they listen to or what our hosts use to eat. After experienced all of that, “we shall take a souvenir with us”, and afterwards we turn homewards. In order no to lose our way, we thought of starting our journey in Europe, then continue our track to Africa until we reach Australia and Cook Islands.

Registrations are opened Monday to Friday, between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm on (e-mail address) or on  our phone 0733 331 324 – Ramona Filip. Tax/workshop: 10 RON, may be paid before the beginning of the classes, at our headquarters.

Details on and on f/atelierecreart.

Media Partners:

Radio România Muzical, Radio România București FM, Radio România Cultural, PR Wave, IQool, Zile și Nopți, România Pozitivă, Calendar Evenimente, Orașul Meu, Dor de Ducă, 24FUN,

Ateliere de creatie - Afis

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