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Start September with a Walk On Calea Victoriei!

The City Hall of Bucharest, through the Creart – the Center for Creativity, Art and Tradition of Bucharest, invites the Bucharest and the tourists present in the capital, on Saturday, September 1 and Sunday, September 2, to walk one of the most beautiful streets from the city center, Calea Victoriei!   Facebook event:   […]

A Cultural Marathon during Bucharest Days, in Constituției Square from Bucharest!

An exceptional cultural marathon will mark two major historic events in September: 559 years since Bucharest was first documented and 100 years since Romania’s Great Union, a good occasion for both locals, Romanian and foreign visitors to celebrate. Between  September 21st – 23rd, 2018, Bucharest City Hall, through creart – Center for Creation, Art and […]

Rod Stewart concert at Bucharest Days 2018

Rod Stewart concert at Bucharest Days An exceptional cultural marathon will mark two major historic events in September: 559 years since Bucharest was first documented and 100 years since Romania’s Great Union, a good occasion for both locals, Romanian and foreign visitors to celebrate. Between  September 21st – 23rd, 2018, Bucharest City Hall, through creart […]

iMapp Bucharest 2018

An exceptional cultural marathon will mark two major historic events in September: 559 years since Bucharest was first documented and 100 years since Romania’s Great Union, a good occasion for both locals, Romanian and foreign visitors to celebrate. Between  September 21st – 23rd, 2018, Bucharest City Hall, through creart – Center for Creation, Art and […]

Concert Gheorghe Zamfir at Bucharest Days 2018

GHEORGHE ZAMFIR Extraordinary Concert at Bucharest Days An exceptional cultural marathon will mark two major historic events in September: 559 years since Bucharest was first documented and 100 years since Romania’s Great Union, a good occasion for both locals, Romanian and foreign visitors to celebrate. Between  September 21st – 23rd, 2018, Bucharest City Hall, through […]

The Tree with Books 2018

THE Tree with BOOKS reopens the free reading area in Izvor Park! The Capital City Hall, through the Creart – the Center for Creation, Art and Tradition of the Municipality of Bucharest, reopens in the Izvor Park between August 3 and September 2, COPACUL CU CĂRŢI, the event that helps the Bucharest to rediscover the […]


The 5th BUCHAREST GreenSounds FESTIVAL, the most effervescent international eclectic music festival in the capital, will be held on 24-26 August 2018, in the Herăstrău Park, Charles de Gaulle entrance! The Free Entrance Festival is organized by the City Hall through the Creart , and annually offers audiences three days of concerts with established artists […]

CineParK – outdoor cinema 2018

The City Hall invites you to CineParK – Outdoor Cinema! On July 26 begins the sixth edition   Detaisl on Free entrance CINEWEEK 1 JOI, 26 iulie ora 18:30  Două Lozuri (2016)/Comedie/AP sub 12 ani/86 min. ora 20:15  Viața lui Pi/ Life of Pi (2012)/Aventuri, Fantezie/AG/117 min. VINERI, 27 iulie ora 18:30  Wall-E/ Wall-E […]

10 finalists selected by an international jury for the iMapp Bucharest 2018 competition!

Bucharest City Hall, through creart – Centre for Creation, Art and Tradition of Bucharest Municipality, organizes on September 22, 2018 the fifth edition of iMapp Bucharest – one of the biggest 3D video-mapping shows worldwide, which brings together design, contemporary art and a show on the 23.000 square metres façade of the Parliament Palace. Throughout […]

International Folklore Festival 2018 in the Chinese press

We are glad that the International Folklore Festival “Music and Traditions in Cismigiu” once again created a cultural bridge and crossed the borders of Europe, reaching to China.

The 12th edition of the International Folklore Festival in Cismigiu Park starts!

  Details on: or  pagina de Facebook f/FIF.MuzicisiTraditii.   PROGRAM VINERI, 29 IUNIE 2018 PARADA COSTUMULUI TRADIȚIONAL 15:00 – 15:30  Piața George Enescu (Ateneul Român) – Calea Victoriei – Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta – Parcul Cişmigiu (Intrarea Arhivele Statului). Ansambluri naționale şi internaționale, comunități şi minorități naționale, fanfare.   TÂRG DE MEȘTEȘUGURI ȘI PRODUSE AUTOHTONE: […]

On the 22nd and 24th of June, the Iei Festival – IEsc takes place at the Roaba de Cultura!

  PROGRAM 22 – 24 iunie: Bazar: 10:00 – 22:00 Food and Drinks: 10:00 – 22:00 Studiouri Foto: 10:00 – 20:00 Beauty Corners: 12:00 – 19:00 Ateliere de creație: 10:00 – 13:00 / 16:00 – 19:00   Program artistic: Vineri, 22 iunie 18:30 –  DJ IQUDE 21:00 –  Proiecție de Film Românesc – Nunta mută […]

FINAL List exhibitors admitted / rejected the International Folklore Festival 2018

Lista expozanților ADMIȘI / RESPINȘI în cadrul evenimentului Festivalul Internațional de Folclor „Muzici și Tradiții în Cișmigiu” Expozanți ADMIȘI la categoria produselor nealimentare Nr. Crt. Nume Expozant Nume Administrator Nr. Înregistrare Categoria produsului 1 Prod In Memoriam Sz. I. SRL Jano Jozsef 8282/29.05.2018 B1 2 Iordache Elena Mihaila Iordache Elena Mihaila 8283/29.05.2018 B1 3 Lepadatu […]


The third edition of the HeyDay Music Festival begins in Izvor Park The most appreciated tribals from abroad, which have performed at prestigious festivals in Europe, come to Bucharest to reinvent hits that have written history. The City Hall of Bucharest, the Creative Arts and Traditions Center of Bucharest, organizes the third edition of the […]

By June 24, the “Old Asphalt Symphony” will be heard in the Old Town!

The Mayoralty of the City of Bucharest, through the Creart – Center for Creation, Art and Tradition, organizes between 11th and 24th June 2018, the fifth edition of the SIMFONII ASFALT cultural event, bringing classical music closer to the public. Every day, from 20:00 to 21:30, the Historic Center of the Capital comes to life […]

Nature Fest in Izvor Park in the capital

Dedicated to the World Environment Day, the event reached its fourth edition includes various creative recycling workshops as well as concerts of successful Romanian bands.   Detalii pe: Event:

Debating New Technologies and Diversifying the Cultural Audience @Teatrelli

The City Hall of Bucharest, through the Creart – The Center for Creation, Art and Tradition of Bucharest, organizes on June 6, 2018, from 19:00, in the Teatrelli Hall: theater, music and more from Alexandru Lahovari Square nr. 7, in collaboration with the Cultural Training platform, a debate on New Technologies and the diversification of […]

On June 1 we are reopening Movies in the Garden Cinema and More

  Schedule for June              

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