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Vote for iMapp Bucharest during Excellence in Live Design Awards 2016 Competition!

Vote for iMapp Bucharest during Excellence in Live Design Awards 2016 Competition!   Creart – The Centre for Creation, Art and Tradition, Municipality of Bucharest, announces its participation in the ninth edition of the international competition Excellence in Live Design Awards 2016 with the iMapp Bucharest project, in the category of Architainment: Excellence in Live […]

Izvor de Cânt” – article by

The show called “Izvor de cant”, organized by creart, represents an innovative concept of the Romanian musical stage. Among its protagonists, we may count Daniel Magdal (tenor), Ioana-Maria Ardelean (folklore singer), prof. Aurel Mustatea (piano) and prof. Diana Spinu (piano). On 7th, 8th and 9th of April, since 7.30 pm, our Teatrelli stage will host […]

LA VIDA LOCA @Teatrelli

LA VIDA LOCA is a sound story about life, impossible love, celebrating nature and dance. The most beloved songs and Latino dances, especially adapted for these two artists by the composer Jorge Rojas, in a show full of colour, South-American lyricism and explosive virtuosity, held on 15th of April, in Bucharest, at Teatrelli stage, at […]

Expoziția Din generatie in generatie

The exhibition ”From one generation to another generation, A new Haggadah by Arik Brauer”

The Municipality of Bucharest through Creart – Center for Creation, Art and Tradition presents a premiere event in Romania alongside The Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna – the exhibition organized by The Jewish Museum Vienna ”From one generation to another generation, A new Haggadah by Arik Brauer”. This exhibition will take place between 5th and […]

B Cause celebrates the World NGO Day

The most important 20 international days which have marked our evolution and that of our contemporary society are visually transposed in collages and presented during B Cause exhibition – a collage of global causes. Among them we may count the World Day of Non-Governmental Organisations, celebrated yearly on 27th of February. B Cause exhibition is […]

”Dordedor” exhibition – a new vision on love

creart – the Centre for Creation, Art and Tradition, Municipality of Bucharest hosts the exhibition called ”dordedor”, dedicated to the Day of Dragobete and celebrating spring, at creart Gallery, at No 7 Alexandru Lahovary Square. This event will take place between 22nd of February and 11th of March 2016. Veronica Neacsu describes love by means […]

photography exhibition entitled ”Inspired by Bucharest”

The Municipality of Bucharest through creart – the Centre for Creation, Art and Tradition, will present a photography exhibition on the road entitled ”Inspired by Bucharest”, at the headquarters of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Lisbon, Portugal, between 10th and 20th of March 2016. This exhibition joins the artistic works of the best 12 photographers […]

LOVE IS IN THE MUSIC – february 24 / 1, 8 march

On 24th of February, 1st and 8th of March, the Municipality of Bucharest and creart – The Center for Creation, Art and Tradition organize the event called „LOVE IS IN THE MUSIC”, at teatrelli stage (No. 7, Lahovari Square). The evenings of 24th of February, 1st and 8th of March will host a series of […]

B Cause exhibition

B Cause, an exhibition about the causes and ideals we identify ourselves with, manifests itself through the power of conviction of the collage art. The opening day will take place in the Simbio attic, on Wednesday, 17th of February, starting with 6.30 pm. The exhibition is organised by Creionetica Agency and it will be opened to […]

Creart creation workshops for kids

creart –  The Center for Creation, Art and Tradition, Bucharest, announces the February-June session of the creation workshops for kids which will be organized on Saturdays and Sundays in the French Village and in Alexandru Lahovari Square, Bucharest. The creation workshops, initiated by creart, represent a platform of various themed-workshops and different techniques. Children can explore […]

Registration for Fair – Traditions and Flowers Festival

Traditions and Flowers Festival VII-th edition 22.04.2016 – 2.05.2016 – Fair Information –   The period for the registration applications dedicated to the Fair organized during the event Traditions and Flowers Festival starts on 11th of February 2016 and will end on 29th of February 2016. A standard application form will be send by creart and […]

Violin lessons held by chief-conductor Marius Zorila

Discover traditional Romanian music by the aid of violin lessons held by chief-conductor Marius Zorila ”Folklore is an invaluable wealth and the most precious one for every people in the world.” Creart –  The Creation, Art and Tradition Centre, Bucharest will organize the registration procedure for the violin lessons held by the music teacher Marius Zorila, chief-conductor of […]

Registration for Photography Workshop by the photographer Aurel Virlan.

Every Thursday, between 11th of February and 28th of April 2016, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m., creart Centre for Creation, Art and Tradition, organizes Module One – Photography Workshop “Dialogue with the Visible”, by the photographer Aurel Virlan. The photography workshop with Aurel Virlan represents a creart project, helping those artists who want to capture pictures that […]

The Folklore Factory Workshop with Lavinia Goste Restarts

The Folklore Factory Workshop with Lavinia Goste Restarts Registrations up until 5th of February 2016 Singing lessons, Stage Movement and the History of Romanian Folklore   The Municipality of Bucharest supported by creart – The Center for Creation, Art, and Tradition – organizes for the second year on a row a Workshop entitled The Folklore Factory – […]

Exhibition on the Road „Textile Mythologies” at I.C.R. Venice

Between 23rd of January and 9th of February 2016, on the invitation of the Romanian Cultural Institute from Venice, we present you an attractive roadshow called „Textile Mythologies”, including a collection of travelling puppets created by a special artist, Ana Ponta.  The varnishing day will take place on 23rd of January 2016 when the official opening […]

„LA ANIVERSARĂ”, first concert folk heroes Revolution

26 years after the Revolution, creart – Centre for Creation, Art and Tradition, Municipality of Bucharest, in partnership with Folk Academy, “The Catavencu Academy” and ROCK FM organize the first folk concert held at Bucharest Christmas Market, in memory of the Revolution heroes who died on 21st of December 1989, in Bucharest’s University Square. As […]

Electric nights

Operetta Electric Nights 2015

Novel sonorities belonging to various musical styles will be presented to the public in Bucharest for the first time during the event called,,Operetta Electric Nights 2015″. Hence, on Thursdays, 17th and 24th of December, 7 p.m., the Choir and the Orchestra of the Operetta and Musical Theatre “Ion Dacian“, together with the composer and the orchestrator […]

Radu Beligan

„Nemuritorul” – 2016 the first premiere at Teatrelli

Beginning with this this month, director Dan Tudor has started a memorable experience joined by the incomparable Radu Beligan, Maia Morgenstern and Marius Bodochi, as well as the scenographer Corina Gramosteanu, an experience intended to provide a unique performance to our audience at Teatrelii Hall – Creart. ‘Not so often a director has the opportunity […]

Servant of Two Masters

adapted after Carlo Goldoni Directed and adapted by: Dan Tudor With: Marius Bodochi, Radu Gabriel, Crina Mureșan, Andrei Duban, Alexandra Velniciuc, Tudorel Filimon, Miriam Rizea, Adrian Georgescu, Florin Dobre, Adrian Dima Scenography: Corina Grămoșteanu Original Score: Vlaicu Golcea Coreography: Florin Fieroiu The notorious masterpiece of the universal comic theatre, „Servant of Two Masters”, is subjected […]

Bucharest 100,000 visitors to the Christmas Market 2015

The official Christmas Fair of our Capital, Bucharest Christmas Market, organized by the Municipality of Bucharest and creart – The Creation, Art and Tradition Centre was visited by 100.000 people between 27th of November and 27th of December 2015. 10.000 bulbs covered the arcades of the Christmas Fair, 200 light installations carrying 100 bulbs each adorned […]

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