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Andreea Chirică / Why Go Outside When Everything Happens Inside My Head


Andreea Chirică
Why Go Outside When Everything Happens Inside My Head


Creart Gallery
Piața Lahovari nr. 7, București

January 11 – February 4, 2018

Opening: January 11, 2018, 19.00

Curator: Eugen Rădescu

“Why go outside when everything happens inside my head” is an illustrated monologue on the conflict between the gregarious, reachable, always with your phone fully charged being and the OUT-OF-REACH emotional being. By contrast, vulnerability, fear, conflict is encapsulated into a moving plastic frame, paper and sponge. The space is filled with pieces of paper, covered with thoughts, a kind of dadaist exercise, an automatic dictation, forcing you to look around without revealing the details. A frivolous portrayal – WOW, FUN, LOL – easy to digest, easy to forget of the invisible life, that performs beyond the small or big screen, but never completely disconnected.

Andreea Chirică is an artist and graphic novelist. In 2011 she published her first graphic novel: The Year of the Pioneer, and she participated at ComicCon New York and Barcelona. She collaborates with DOR Magazine, Scena9 and recently she illustrated the Răzvan Exarhu essays collection. She was part of ComiXConnection exhibition, “Shrinking Cities” exhibition at MNAC, Muzeul Bucureștiului, European Salon of Comic Book (2016), Mora Art Centre, Bucharest. The second book, “Home alone”, was selected for the main exhibition at the Romanian Design Week and won the illustration prize at “Cele mai frumoase carti din Romania” contest. The next exhibition will be at Visual Kontakt Gallery in Cluj-Napoca. She keeps an online drawing diary on

Eugen Rădescu is a cultural manager, curator and theoretician, with background in political science (specialised on moral relativism and political ethics). He wrote for various magazines and newspapers. He curated, among others, Bucharest Biennale 1 with the theme “Identity Factories”, “How Innocent Is That?” , “presently i have nothing to show and i’m showing it!” and “Common Nostalgia” at Pavilion Bucharest. He published the book “How Innocent Is That?” at Revolver Book Berlin. He is co-editor of PAVILION – journal for politics and culture and co-director of Bucharest Biennale (with Răzvan Ion) and the chairman of the organisational board of PAVILION and BUCHAREST BIENNALE. He is member of the selection board at apexart for the programs “Franchise” and “Unsolicited Proposal Program”. He held different lectures at several institutions such as apex, New York, Badisher Kunstverein, Karlshrue, Casa Encedida, Madrid, University of Arts, Cluj. Currently he is working on a new book, “Moral relativism – two perspectives”. He is Phd in political science at Babeș-Bolyai University. Also he is professor at Bucharest University and Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj. Lives and works in Bucharest.

Andreea Chirică / Why Go Outside When Everything Happens Inside My Head

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Andreea Chirică
Why Go Outside When Everything Happens Inside My Head

Galeria Creart
Piața Lahovari nr. 7, București

11 ianuarie – 4 februarie 2018

Vernisaj: 11 ianuarie 2018, 19.00

Curator: Eugen Rădescu

“Why go outside when everything happens inside my head” este un monolog vizual despre conflictul dintre a fi vizibil, abordabil, cu bateria plină la telefon și mereu funcțional emoțional. Prin contrast, există reprezentarea vulnerabilității, a fricii, a conflictului interior într-o imagine de plastic, hârtie și burete, în mișcare. Spațiul este umplut cu hârtie pe care artista scrie tot ce îi trece prin cap pe parcursul unei zile, un fel de exercițiu dadaist, dicteu automat, care fură privirea fără să te lase niciodată să vezi detaliile. O reprezentare frivolă – WOW, FUN, LOL – ușor de digerat, ușor de uitat, a vieții invizibile, care se consumă dincolo de ecranul telefonului și a calculatorului, dar niciodată complet în afara lor.

Andreea Chirică este artist și ilustrator de romane grafice. A publicat primul roman grafic “The year of the pioneer” în 2011, cu care a participat la Comicon New York și Barcelona. A colaborat în multiple rânduri cu revista DOR, Scena9, iar recent a ilustrat colecția de eseuri a lui Răzvan Exarhu.  A participat la expoziția internațională ComiXConnection, a expus la MNAC în cadrul expoziției “Shrinking Cities”, la Muzeul Bucureștiului, la Salonul European de Bandă Desenată 2016, Centrul de Artă Mora. “Home Alone”, cea de-a doua ei carte a fost selecționată pentru expoziția principală din cadrul “Romanian Design Week” si a castigat premiul pentru ilustratie in cadrul concursului “Cele mai frumoase carti din Romania”. Urmează să expună la Cluj în galeria Visual Kontakt. Publică un desen pe zi pe

Eugen Rădescu este manager cultural, curator și teoretician, cu studii in științe politice (specializat în relativism moral și etică politică). A scris pentru diferite reviste și publicații naționale și internaționale. A fost, printre altele, curatorul Bucharest Biennale 1, cu tema “Identity Factories”, al expozițiilor “How Innocent Is That?”, “presently i have nothing to show and i’m showing it!” și “Common Nostalgia” la Pavilion, București. A publicat cartea “How innocent is that?” la Revolver Book, Berlin. Este co-editorul PAVILION – journal for politics and culture, co-directorul Bucharest Biennale (împreună cu Răzvan Ion) și președinte al board-ului organizațional al PAVILION și BUCHAREST BIENNALE. Este membru al board-ului de selecție apexart New York, pentru programele “Franchise” și “Unsolicited Proposal Program”. A ținut numeroase prelegeri și conferințe la diverse instituții, printre care apex, New York; Badisher Kunstverein, Karlshrue; Casa Encedida, Madrid; Universitatea de Arte, Cluj. Este lector la Universitatea București și profesor asociat Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj. Locuiește și lucrează în București.

Andreea Chirică
Why Go Outside When Everything Happens Inside My Head

Creart Gallery
Piața Lahovari nr. 7, București

January 11 – February 4, 2018

Opening: January 11, 2018, 19.00

Curator: Eugen Rădescu

“Why go outside when everything happens inside my head” is an illustrated monologue on the conflict between the gregarious, reachable, always with your phone fully charged being and the OUT-OF-REACH emotional being. By contrast, vulnerability, fear, conflict is encapsulated into a moving plastic frame, paper and sponge. The space is filled with pieces of paper, covered with thoughts, a kind of dadaist exercise, an automatic dictation, forcing you to look around without revealing the details. A frivolous portrayal – WOW, FUN, LOL – easy to digest, easy to forget of the invisible life, that performs beyond the small or big screen, but never completely disconnected.

Andreea Chirică is an artist and graphic novelist. In 2011 she published her first graphic novel: The Year of the Pioneer, and she participated at ComicCon New York and Barcelona. She collaborates with DOR Magazine, Scena9 and recently she illustrated the Răzvan Exarhu essays collection. She was part of ComiXConnection exhibition, “Shrinking Cities” exhibition at MNAC, Muzeul Bucureștiului, European Salon of Comic Book (2016), Mora Art Centre, Bucharest. The second book, “Home alone”, was selected for the main exhibition at the Romanian Design Week and won the illustration prize at “Cele mai frumoase carti din Romania” contest. The next exhibition will be at Visual Kontakt Gallery in Cluj-Napoca. She keeps an online drawing diary on

Eugen Rădescu is a cultural manager, curator and theoretician, with background in political science (specialised on moral relativism and political ethics). He wrote for various magazines and newspapers. He curated, among others, Bucharest Biennale 1 with the theme “Identity Factories”, “How Innocent Is That?” , “presently i have nothing to show and i’m showing it!” and “Common Nostalgia” at Pavilion Bucharest. He published the book “How Innocent Is That?” at Revolver Book Berlin. He is co-editor of PAVILION – journal for politics and culture and co-director of Bucharest Biennale (with Răzvan Ion) and the chairman of the organisational board of PAVILION and BUCHAREST BIENNALE. He is member of the selection board at apexart for the programs “Franchise” and “Unsolicited Proposal Program”. He held different lectures at several institutions such as apex, New York, Badisher Kunstverein, Karlshrue, Casa Encedida, Madrid, University of Arts, Cluj. Currently he is working on a new book, “Moral relativism – two perspectives”. He is Phd in political science at Babeș-Bolyai University. Also he is professor at Bucharest University and Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj. Lives and works in Bucharest.

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